Escape the computer simulation
In this pinball game for the Multimorphic P3 platform, you take on the role of a sentient AI trapped inside a city simulation. Your purpose is unclear, except for one goal: you want to escape into the real world. But it won't be easy. To succeed, you must gather seven exploits hidden throughout the simulation.
Explore the frontend and the backend
Throughout your time in this simulation, you have found weaknesses in the code. You've gained access to The Nezz, which allows you to explore the behind the scenes of the simulation. Shoot the ball into the police station to swap between worlds.
Use exploits to advance your strategies
Completing modes and tasks rewards you with an exploit, which are powerful bonuses that change the rules of the game. Certain exploits give you more points for certain shots, while other exploits make the game easier. With over 40 possible exploits, the replay value will make you want to come back for more.
Playing the game
Nezzex City requires a Multimorphic P3 pinball machine with the Heist module inserted.
When the game is released, you will be able to purchase it from Multimorphic's website and download it onto your P3. Price will be anounced at a later date.